Kim Nalley – Blues People

Kim Nalley - Blues PeopleKim Nalley – Blues People
Released – July 1, 2015

An impressive and eclectic collection of choices from Kim Nalley, who manages to make each one bend to her will – whether it’s “Movin’ On Up” (Yes – *that* one, from the television show), or the traditional “Amazing Grace.” Ms. Nalley’s command of these songs – her range, the emotion, is breathtaking – amplified by a sparse but powerful backing band. Tammy Hall is on piano and organ, showing off (in the very best way) her background in Texas churches.

But if every song tells a story, this is a story of the African American experience told through original compositions like “Ferguson Blues,” and “Big Hooded Black Man,” and the mainstream – Gershwin’s “Summertime,” and Bob Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released.”

Kim Nalley - Photo by Scott Chemis

The statements are strong, and command attention.

This disc is very highly recommended.


Highlighted tracks have been added to the playlist at 62ndStreet Radio.  Photo of Ms. Nalley by Scott Chemis.