I’ve had an opportunity to listen to a lot of good music during this little hiatus, some of it live, and on that list would be Beth Rowley.
You may have run across her material at the movies – she provided several of the tracks in the motion picture, “An Education,” and a memorable nightclub scene:
The venue last fall was London’s Pizza Express/Soho, an intimate venue tucked beneath a family-style restaurant that for the past 40 years has provided a showcase for both greats and soon-to-be greats.
And while entries refer to her music as “Pop/Rock,” or “Adult Alternative,” I’d lean more to pop-tinged blues.
The hand-crafted music didn’t overpower the size of the house, and Ms. Rowley’s voice, while angelic – is maybe that of an angel who’s been around the world a few times.
She’s promising a new album this year. I’ll eagerly snap it up when it happens.
I gave up here for a while, for too many reasons to list. But I want to do it differently. A little more of what I like, and a little less on formal record reviews, which was the idea in the first place, some 12 years ago. This is a first step in that direction. Stay tuned, okay?