Tag Archives: Joyce Moreno

Joyce Moreno-Kenny Werner – Poesia

Joyce Moreno-Kenny Werner - PoesiaJoyce Moreno-Kenny Werner – Poesia (Pirouet)
Released – October 9, 2015

A baker’s dozen of gentle tracks from Joyce Moreno, an icon of Brazilian music, teamed in sparse arrangements with New York Pianist Kenny Werner. Ms. Moreno says, “We decided to go for…the most beautiful songs possible…with meaningful lyrics.”

While it’s a quiet set, there’s an undercurrent of joy and optimism, even in introspective tunes like Leonard Bernstein’s “Some Other Time,” from the warmtime musical, “On The Town;” and Charlie Chaplin’s “Smile.”

It’s one of those times when I wish I spoke Portuguese, to appreciate the poetry of the lyrics.

Joyce Moreno - Photo by Leo Aversa

A gentle set for quiet times. Recommended.


Highlighted tracks have been added to the playlist at 62ndStreet Radio.  Photo of Ms. Moreno by Leo Aversa.